We are excited to launch a new learning opportunity for Nutrition and Healthy Lifestyles grant partners! The Michigan Health Endowment Fund teamed up with Pivot Data Design to provide a seven-month-long learning program aimed to strengthen your organization’s evaluation and data storytelling capacity. We have so many exciting things in store, including this online course platform that has been custom built for your team’s learning! Over the course of the next seven months, we will be releasing three courses, one course at a time. Additionally, we will supplement the courses with virtual workshops, peer learning opportunities, and individual coaching. 

Our first course focuses on evaluation planning, with nine videos around Evaluation Design, Logic Models, and Data Collection. Each module includes some toolkit items that have been uniquely designed to help your team plan for future evaluations. Scroll down to our courses to learn more.

Intro Video

Interested in learning more about us and our course? Watch this video!

Hi, we are Pivot Data Design!

Meet the Pivot Team! Pivot Data Design focuses on data visualization and storytelling for nonprofits and foundations. We are centered in and driven by your evaluation needs and interests and intend to build on your existing strengths. Our role is to be stewards of learning, not “the experts.”

Throughout the Harnessing the Power of Data program, you will get an opportunity to meet a number of Pivot team members. Our team embrace’s a commitment to promoting a more just world where everyone’s well-being counts, our interdependence is nurtured, and our success is shared. We believe that we can develop more equitable systems by building the capacity of others to collect, analyze and utilize data.

We hope that our team’s commitment to and passion for the work inspires your learning journey. Dig into the courses to learn more about your instructors. 

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?

The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.

How long do I have access to the course?

You will have access to the course until May 30, 2023. 

How to prepare for the course? 

Nothing needed, come as you are! We are gearing this course towards people/organizations at all levels in the evaluation learning journey.

How do I know if this class is right for me?

This course is made for anyone who wants to learn more about evaluation.

Get in Touch

If you have any questions, please email Linnea at [email protected].